Katsunori Tanaka Laboratory

in Tokyo Institute of Technology and RIKEN


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 1998-2006



  1. Chemistry-driven translocation of glycosylated proteins in mice, K. Yamada, A. Mukaimine, A. Nakamura, Y. Kusakari, A. R. Pradipta, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Nature Commun. 15, 7409 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51342-5. [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Science Tokyo Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release]

  2. ZnI2-mediated cis-glycosylations of various constrained glycosyl donors: Recent advances in cis-selective glycosylations A. Ishiwata, X. Zhong, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, Feiqing Ding Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 2024, accepted.

  3. Conversion of albumin into an artificial metalloenzyme modified with RGD peptides, K. Imai, K. Muguruma, A. Nakamura, Y. Kusakari, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Peptide Science 2023, 153-154 (2024).

  4. Design and synthesis of the mechanism-based inhibitor probes against the glycoside hydrolase family 116 β-D-arabinofuranosidase A. Ishiwata, R. Fukushima, S. Fushinobu, K. Fujita, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, Peptide Science 2023, 155–156 (2024).

  5. Synthesis of phenanthridine derivatives by a water-compatible gold-catalyzed hydroamination, Y. Lin , R. Hashimoto, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 117928 (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2024.117928

  6. Zinc(II)-mediated stereoselective construction of 1,2-cis 2-azido-2-deoxy glycosidic linkage: Assembly of Acinetobacter baumannii K48 capsular pentasaccharide derivative, X. Zhao, H. Ding, A. Guo, X. Zhong, S. Zhou, G. Wang, Y. Liu, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, H. Cai, X.-W. Liu, F. Ding, Chem. Sci. in press (2024). DOI: 10.1039/D4SC03449J

  7. In vivo synthetic anticancer approach by resourcing mouse blood albumin as a biocompatible artificial metalloenzyme, K. Imai, K. Muguruma, A. Nakamura, Y. Kusakari, T.-C. Chang, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. e202411225 (2024). DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411225 [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [Department of Life Science and Technology Press Release]

  8. Anticancer approach by targeted activation of a global inhibitor of sialyltransferases with acrolein, T. Kasahara, T.-C. Chang, H. Yoshioka, S. Urano, Y. Egawa, M. Inoue, T. Tahara, K. Morimoto, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci. 15, 9566-9573 (2024). DOI: 10.1039/d4sc00969J [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release]

  9. Literature Coverage: Catalytic olefin methathesis in blood, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Synform, A55–A57, DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1720627 (2024).

  10. 生体内合成化学治療:マウス体内での金属触媒反応によるがん治療, 田中克典, T.-C. Chang, 有機合成化学協会誌, 82, 535-543 (2024).

  11. Genetic and functional diversity of β-N-acetylgalactosamine residue-targeting glycosidases expanded by deep-sea metagenome and domain search, T. Sumida, S. Hiraoka, K. Usui, A. Ishiwata, T. Sengoku, K. A. Stubbs, K. Tanaka, S. Deguchi, S. Fushinobu, T. Nunoura, Nature Commun. 15, 3543 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47653-2 [RIKEN Press Release] [JAMSTEC Press Release] [Tokyo University Press Release]

  12. Synthesis of sucrose-mimicking disaccharide by intramolecular aglycone delivery, K. Sano, A. Ishiwata, T. Kikuma, H. Takamori, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, Y. Takeda, Molecules 29, 1771 (2024). DOI: 10.3390/molecules29081771 [Special Issue for Carbohydrate Chemistry II]

  13. B(C6F5)3-Catalyzed Stereoselective 1,2-cis arabinofuranosylation with a conformationally constrained donor, Q. Xiao, S. Fang, J. Ao, X. Zhao, C. Huang, Y. Liu, Y. Nie, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, W. Deng, F. Ding, ACS Omega, 9, 11969-11975 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c09761

  14. Metallic radionuclide-labeled tetrameric 2,6-diisopropylphenyl azides for cancer treatment, Y. Ode, A. R. Pradipta, A. Ishiwata, A. Nambu, K. Ohnuki, H. Mizuma, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, Chem. Commun., 60, 3291-3294 (2024). DOI: 10.1039/D4CC00048J [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release]

  15. Bifidobacterial GH146 β-L-arabinofuranosidase for the removal of β1,3-L-arabinofuranosides on plant glycans, K. Fujita, H. Tsunomachi, P. Lixia, S. Maruyama, M. Miyake, A. Dakeshita, K. Kitahara, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, A. Ishiwata, S. Fushinobu, Appl. Microbiol. Biotech., 108, 199 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s00253-024-13014-8

  16. 体内創薬研究所設立のススメー副作用のないがん治療を届けるために, 田中克典, 月刊誌「化学」, 株式会社化学同人出版, 79, 16-18 (2024).

  17. Role of β-L-Arabinofuranosidase in Intestinal Bacteria, K. Fujita, A. Ishiwata, S. Fushinobu, Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, 36, E35-E38 (2024). DOI: 10.4052/tigg.2306.1E

  18. Gum arabicに作用するFusarium oxysporum 由来3種のL-アラビノフラノシダーゼの反応特性解析, S. Inoue, H. Omae, T. Kondo, M. Nakazawa, M. Ueda, A. Ishiwata,; Y. Ito, T. Sakamoto, Bulletin of Applied Glycoscience, 14, 46-47 (2024). DOI: 10.5458/bag.14.1_46

  19. Microbacterium属由来endo-D-arabinanaseが有するD-arabinan結合性の解析, N. Iwanaga, G. Akai, H. Shinchi, Y. Suda, A. Ishiwata, Y. Ito, S. Fushinobu, K. Kitahara, K. Fujita, Bulletin of Applied Glycoscience, 14, 48-49 (2024). DOI: 10.5458/bag.14.1_48

  20. Supramolecular hydrogelation triggered by a gold catalyst, T. Yamamoto, A. Nakamura, A. Mukaimine, K. Tanaka, Tetrahedron Chem., 9, 100058 (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.tchem.2023.100058 [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release]




  1. Preclinical evaluation of the therapeutic potential of 211At-radiolabeled 2,6-diisopropylphenyl azide in mouse models of human lung cancer, Y. Ode, A. R. Pradipta, P. Ahmadi, A. Ishiwata, A. Nakamura, Y. Egawa, Y. Kusakari, K. Muguruma, Y. Wang, X. Yin, N. Sato, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep., 57, (2023).

  2. 乳癌における脂質メディエーターの役割と臨床応用へ向けた取り組み, 永橋昌幸, 服部彬, 浦野清香, 黒岩真美子, 小松美希, プラディプタアンバラ, 盛本浩二, 田中克典, 三好康雄, 乳癌基礎研究, 31, 27-33 (2023).

  3. Catalytic olefin methathesis in blood, I. Nasibullin, H. Yoshioka, A. Mukaimine, A. Nakamura, Y. Kusakari, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 14, 11033-11039 (2023). [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [Nature Chemical Biology - Research Highlight] [Synform - Literature Coverage] [Journal Front Cover] [2023 Most Popular Chemical Biology Articles Collection]

  4. Identification and characterization of endo- and exo-hydrolases cleaving the α- and β-D-arabinofuranosidic bonds of lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan of Mycobacteria, M. Shimokawa, A. Ishiwata, T. Kashima, C. Nakashima, J. Li, R. Fukushima, M. Sawai, K. Mimata, M. Nakamori, Y. Tanaka, A. Kudoh, S. Morigami, G. Akai, N. Shimizu, T. Arakawa, C. Yamada, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, S. Fushinobu, K. Fujita, Nature Commun., 14, 5803 (2023).

  5. Construction of 1,2-cis rhamnosidic linkages and synthesis of tetrasaccharide repeating unit of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 23F, J. Ao, X. Zhao, S. Zhou, Y. Guo, G. Wang, S. Fang, X. Yao, Y. Liu, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, F. Ding, H. Cai, Org. Chem. Front, 10, 5610-5615 (2023).

  6. Recent progress in 1,2-cis-glycosylation for glucan synthesis, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, H. Cai, F. Ding, Molecules, 28, 5644 (2023).

  7. Therapeutic efficacy of 211At-radiolabeled 2,6-diisopropylphenyl azide in mouse models of human lung cancer, Y. Ode, A. R. Pradipta, P. Ahmadi, A. Ishiwata, A. Nakamura, Y. Egawa, Y. Kusakari, K. Muguruma, Y. Wang, X. Yin, N. Sato, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 14, 8054-8060 (2023). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [EurekAlert AAAS] [Journal Front Cover] [2023 Most Popular Chemical Biology Articles Collection] [2023 Edge Article Collection]

  8. O-GalNAc glycosylation determines intracellular trafficking of APP and Aβ production, Y. Tachida, J. Iijima, K. Takahashi, H. Suzuki, Y. Kizuka, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Tanaka, M. Nakano, D. Takakura, N. Kawasaki, Y. Saito, H. Manya, T. Endo, S. Kitazume, J. Biol. Chem., 299, 104905 (2023).

  9. 生体内で働く遷移金属触媒の開発ーいかに経験と偶然の産物を自分の研究に取り込むか, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会・創立80周年記念出版「感動の瞬間 続編」, 株式会社化学同人出版 (2023).

  10. 20年後にやっと活躍する化学, 田中克典, 化学と工業「巻頭言」, 日本化学会, 76, 1 (2023).

  11. Synthesis and structural analysis of D-fructofuranosylated compounds for the analysis of GH172 difructose dianhydride I synthase/hydrolase, A. Ishiwata, T. Kashima, M. Kaieda, K. Tanaka, K. Fujita, S. Fushinobu, Y. Ito, Pure Appl. Chem., 95, 955-964 (2023).

  12. Bifidobacterial GH family 146 β L-arabinofuranosidase (BII4HypBA1) as the last enzyme for the complete removal of oligoarabinofuranoside from Hydroxyproline-rich Glycoproteins, A. Ishiwata, H. Tsunomachi, K. Kameyama, K. Sophon, M. Nakamura, K. Kitahara, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, K. Fujita, ChemBioChem, 24, e202200637 (2023).

  13. The novel chiral 2(5H)-furanone sulfones possessing terpene moiety: Synthesis and biological activity, A. M. Khabibrakhmanova, R. G. Faizova, O. A. Lodochnikova, R. R. Zamalieva, L. Z. Latypova, E. Y. Trizna, A. G. Pofiryev, K. Tanaka, O. Sachenkov, A. R. Kayumov, A. R. Kurbangalieva, Molecules, 28, 2543 (2023).

  14. アキラルなカルボン酸からキラルなアミノ酸へ, 六車共平, トピックス(A群:化学系薬学), ファルマシア 20232月号 (2023).

  15. Peptide/protein-mediated delivery of a ruthenium catalyst for in vivo tumor therapy, K. Muguruma, K. Imai, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Peptide Science 2022, 125-126 (2023).

  16. Design and synthesis of the mechanism-based inhibitors against the GH127/146 cysteine glycosidase, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, K. Fujita, Y. Ito, Peptide Science 2022, 65-68 (2023).

  17. Protecting group transformable with gold catalyst, T. Yamamoto, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Peptide Science 2022, 15-16 (2023).

  18. 有機合成反応を活用したがん診断, A. R. Pradipta, 田中克典, イメージングによる最先端医薬品・医療技術開発, 月刊誌Precision Medicine, 株式会社北陸館出版, 6, 18-23 (2023).




  1. 遷移金属触媒の力で病気を治すー体の中での薬物合成に向けて, 六車共平, 田中克典, 月刊誌「化学」, 株式会社化学同人出版, 77, 66-67 (2022).

  2. Therapeutic in vivo synthetic chemistry using artificial metalloenzyme with glycosylated human serum albumin, K. Yamada, K. Muguruma, K. Tanaka, Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem., 82, 11-34, (2022). [In memory of Professor Hidetoshi Yamada]

  3. Mechanism-based inhibition of GH127/146 cysteine glycosidases by stereospecifically functionalized L-arabinofuranosides, A. Ishiwata, S. Narita, K. Kimura, K. Tanaka, K. Fujita, S. Fushinobu, Y. Ito, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 75, 117054 (2022). [Invited in 'Glycochemical Biology' Special Issue]

  4. Evaluation of acute toxicity of cancer-targeting albumin-based artificial metalloenzymes, T.-C. Chang, I. Nasibullin, K. Muguruma, Y. Kusakari, T. Shimoda, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 73, 117005 (2022). [Invited in 'Glycochemical Biology' Special Issue]

  5. Anticancer approach inspired by the hepatotoxic mechanism of pyrrolizidine alkaloids by glycosylated artificial metalloenzymes, M. Kurimoto, T.-C. Chang, Y. Nishiyama, T. Suzuki, N. Dohmae, K. Tanaka, S. Yokoshima, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 61, e202205541 (2022). [RIKEN Press Release] [Nagoya University Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [AMED Press Release]

  6. In vivo imaging of fluorescent albumin modified with pyruvylated-human-type complex oligosaccharide reveals sialylation-like biodistribution and kinetics, R. Fukuhara, A. Ogura, S. Yoshinaga, T. Fukunaga, T. Kinoshita, W. Sumiyoshi, Y. Higuchi, K. Tanaka, K. Takegawa, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 70, 116943 (2022). [Invited in 'Glycochemical Biology' Special Issue]

  7. Recent advances in stereoselective 1,2-cis-O-glycosylations, A. Ishiwata, K. Tanaka, J. Ao, F. Ding, Y. Ito, Front. Chem., section Supramolecular Chemistry, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.972429 (2022). [Invited in 'Chemical Reactivity and Solution Structure' Collection]

  8. Synthesis of naturally occuring β-L-arabinofuranosyl-L-arabinofuranoside structures towards the substrate specificity evaluation of β-L-arabinofuranosidase, A. Ishiwata, K. Fujita, S. Fushinobu, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 68, 116849 (2022). [Invited in 'Glycochemical Biology' Special Issue]

  9. Recent chemical and chemoenzymatic strategies to complex-type N-glycans, F. Ding, X. Zhao, Y. Huang, S. Zhou. J. Ao, H. Cai, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, A. Ishiwata, Front. Chem., section Chemical Biology, 10, 880128 (2022). [Invited in 'Innovators in Chemical Biology' Collection]

  10. Comparison of "click-to-sense" assay with frozen section analysis using simulated surgical margins in breast cancer patients, A. Kubo, T. Tanei, A. R. Pradipta, K. Morimoto, M. Fujii, Y. Sota, T. Miyake, N. Kagara, M. Shimoda, Y. Naoi, Y. Motoyama, E. Morii, K. Tanaka, K. Shimazu, Eur. J. Surg. Oncol., 48, 1520-1526 (2022).

  11. Metal-catalyzed selective cell tagging of a cytotoxic peptide for cancer therapy, K. Muguruma, P. Ahmadi, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Peptide Science 2021, 33-34 (2022).

  12. Homo- and heterogeneous glycoconjugates on the basis of N-glycans and human serum albumin: Synthesis and biological evaluation, A. Kurbangalieva, R. Zamalieva, I. Nasibullin, K. Yamada, K. Tanaka, Molecules, 27, 1285 (2022).

  13. Mechanism of cooperative degradation of gum arabic arabinogalactan protein by Bifidobacterium longum surface enzymes, Y. Sasaki, M. Komeno, A. Ishiwata, A. Horigome, T. Odamaki, J.-Z. Xiao, K. Tanaka, Y. Ito, K. Kitahara, H. Ashida, K. Fujita, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 88, e02187-21 (2022).

  14. Therapeutic in vivo synthetic chemistry by glycosylated artificial metalloenzymes for innovative biomedical modality, K. Tanaka, T.-C. Chang, AsiaChem, Federation of Asian Chemical Society 出版, 64-71 (2022).

  15. Synthetic prodrug design enables biocatalytic activation in mice to elicit tumor growth suppression, I. Nasibullin, I. Smirnov, P. Ahmadi, K. Vong, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Nature Commun., 13, 39 (2022). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [AMED Press Release]

  16. The second-generation click-to-sense probe for intraoperative diagnosis of breast cancer tissues based on acrolein targeting, A. R. Pradipta, H. Michiba, A. Kubo, M. Fujii, T. Tanei, K. Morimoto, K. Shimazu, K. Tanaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 95, 421-426 (2022).

  17. 和製ヘビーメタルと生体内合成化学治療、人との出会いを支えに侘び寂びの心を表現する ー私の自慢ー, 田中克典, 化学と工業, 75-1, 32-34 (2022).




  1. Therapeutic in vivo synthetic chemistry by glycosylated artificial metalloenzyme, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Research Reports 2017-2021, 109-111 (2021).

  2. チャプター79グリコシド化, 六車共平, 張宗哲, 田中克典, 有機合成のための新触媒反応101, 株式会社化学同人出版 (2021).

  3. チャプター42クリック反応, 六車共平, 張宗哲, 田中克典, 有機合成のための新触媒反応101, 株式会社化学同人出版 (2021).

  4. Identification of a difructose dianhydride I synthase/hydrolase from oral bacterium establishes a novel glycoside hydrolase family, T. Kashima, K. Okumura, A. Ishiwata, M. Kaieda, T. Terada, T. Arakawa, C. Yamada, K. Shimizu, K. Tanaka, M. Kitaoka, Y. Ito, K. Fujita, S. Fushinobu, J. Biol. Chem., 297, 101324 (2021).

  5. In vivo metal-catalyzed SeCT therapy by a proapoptotic peptide, P. Ahmadi, K. Muguruma, T.-C. Chang, S. Tamura, K. Tsubokura, Y. Egawa, T. Suzuki, N. Dohmae, Y. Nakao, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 12, 12266-12273 (2021). [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release]

  6. In situ synthesis of glycoconjugates on the cell surface: Selective cell imaging using low-affinity glycan ligands, S. Nomura, K. Tanaka, in Middle molecular strategy, flow synthesis to functional molecules, K. Fukase and T. Doi (eds), Springer, 55-75 (2021).

  7. Inhibition of amyloid formation of amyloid β(1-42), amylin and insulin by 1,5-diazacyclooctanes, as spermine-acrolein conjugate, R. Kunitomi, A. R. Pradipta, H. Kawabe, N. Lobsiger, K. Tanaka, T. Zako, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 46, 116391 (2021).

  8. Biofunctional chemistry and reactivity of biogenic acrolein for cancer diagnosis and therapy, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Chem. Commun., 57, 9798-9806 (2021). [Chemical Communications HOT Articles]

  9. アクロレインとがん診断, 多根井智紀, A. R. Pradipta, 田中克典, 生体分子と疾患, CSJ Current Review 39, 株式会社化学同人出版, 84-89 (2021).

  10. In vivo organic synthesis by metal catalysis, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 46, 116353 (2021). [Invited in 'In Vivo Synthetic Chemistry for Localized Drug Activation' Special Issue]

  11. Epoc group: Transformable protecting group with gold(III)-catalyzed fluorene formation, T. Yamamoto, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 12, 10703-10709 (2021). [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [Chemistry World] [2021 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection] [Journal Cover]

  12. Biomolecular labeling based on lysine-clickable 6pi-azaelectrocyclization toward innovative cancer theranostics, K. Fujiki, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 42, 116238 (2021). [Invited in 'In Vivo Synthetic Chemistry for Localized Drug Activation' Special Issue]

  13. Disrupting tumor onset and growth via selective cell tagging (SeCT) therapy, K. Vong, T. Tahara, S. Urano, I. Nasibullin, K. Tsubokura, Y. Nakao, A. Kurbangalieva, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Sci. Adv., 7, eabg4038 (2021). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4038. [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [AMED Press Release]

  14. Importance of local glycan heterogeneity for in vivo cancer targeting, I. Smirnov, I. Nasibullin, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Tetrahedron Lett., 72, 153089 (2021).

  15. 実用的ながん診断・治療分子の創製を目指して ー効率的クリック標識法の開発と放射線セラのスティクスー, 藤木勝将, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 79, 673-683 (2021).

  16. Targeted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with acrolein for cancer prodrug activation, A. R. Pradipta, P. Ahmadi, K. Terashima, K. Muguruma, M. Fujii, T. Ichino, S. Maeda, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 12, 5438-5449 (2021). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [Chemistry World] [2021 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection] [Journal Cover]

  17. Prodrug activation by gold artificial metalloenzyme-catalyzed synthesis of phenanthridinium derivatives via hydroamination, T.-C. Chang, K. Vong, T. Yamamoto, K. Tanaka, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 2-11 (2021). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [AMED Press Release] [Journal Cover]

  18. Application of acrolein imines to organic synthesis, biofunctional studies, and clinical practice, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Chem. Rec., 21, 646-662 (2021). [Personal Account] [In memory of Professor Koji Nakanishi]

  19. 人工金属酵素を用いたマウス生体内での金触媒反応, 山本智也, 田中克典, 一般社団法人触媒学会, 63 (1), 33-38 (2021).




  1. Exploring and adapting the molecular selectivity of artificial metalloenzymes, K. Vong, I. Nasibullin, K. Tanaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 94, 382-396 (2020). [BCSJ Diamond Collection (Frontiers of Molecular Science)] [Dedicated to Professor Eiichi Nakamura on the occasion of his 70th birthday]

  2. Disease-associated acrolein: A possible diagnostic and therapeutic substrate for in vivo synthetic chemistry, K. Muguruma, A. R. Pradipta, Y. Ode, K. Terashima, H. Michiba, M. Fujii, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 28, 115831 (2020).

  3. A strategy for tumor targeting by high-order glycan pattern recognition: Synthesis and in vitro and in vivo properties of glycoalbumins conjugated with four different N-glycan molecules, I. Smirnov, R. Sibgatullina, S. Urano, T. Tahara, P. Ahmadi, Y. Watanabe, A. R. Pradipta, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Small, 16, 2004831 (2020). [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [AMED Press Release] [Journal Cover]

  4. Concise and reliable synthesis of glycodendrimers via self-activating click chemistry: Robust strategy for mimicking multivalent glycan-pathogen interactions, K. Farabi, Y. Manabe, H. Ichikawa, S. Miyake, M. Tsutsui, K. Kabayama, T. Yamaji, K. Tanaka, S.-C. Hung, K. Fukase, J. Org. Chem., 85, 16014-16023 (2020).

  5. Bioorthogonal release of anticancer drugs via gold-triggered 2-alkynylbenzamide cyclization, K. Vong, T. Yamamoto, T.-C. Chang, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 11, 10933-10938 (2020). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [AMED Press Release] [Journal Cover]

  6. 糖鎖を動物内でのキャリアとする未来の創薬ー生体内合成化学治療ー, 田中克典, Glycoforum, 23 (SI), G2 (2020). DOI: 10.32285/glycoforum.23G2J

  7. 人工金属酵素による生体内での有機合成の実現と機能発現, 山本智也, 田中克典, バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会出版, 78, 312-315 (2020).

  8. Methods for acrolein detection: Recent advances and applications, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, J. Idn. Chem. Soc., 3, 73-80 (2020). [Invited] [Journal Cover]

  9. The journey to in vivo synthetic chemistry: From azaelectrocyclization to artificial metalloenzymes, K. Tanaka, K. Vong, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 93, 1275-1286 (2020). [BCSJ Diamond Collection (Life Chemistry)] [Award Accounts (The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work)] [Journal Cover]

  10. Enantioselective synthesis of cyclic and linear diamines by iminocycloaddition, T. C. Chang, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Chirality, 32, 1160-1168 (2020).

  11. Exploration of the fluoride reactivity of aryltrifluoroborate on selective cleavage of diphenylmethylsilyl group, K. Fujiki, K. Tanaka, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 4616-4620 (2020).

  12. Practical synthesis of 211At-labeled immunoconjugate by double click method for α-emission cancer radiotherapeutics, K. Fujiki, Y. Kanayama, S. Yano, N. Sato, T. Yokokita, P. Ahmadi, Y. Watanabe, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep., 52, 22 (2020).

  13. 体内現場での有機合成化学による未来の医療診断技術, 田中克典, 生体分子反応を制御するー化学的手法による機構と反応場の解明ー, CSJ Current Review 36, 株式会社化学同人出版, 113-119 (2020).

  14. 人工金属酵素ロジウムーストレプトアビジンが触媒するC-H結合活性化不斉δ-ラクタム合成, 藤木勝将, 有機合成化学協会誌, 78, 630-631 (2020).

  15. Glycan-mediated targeting method, K. Vong, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, in Handbook of in vivo chemistry in mice, From Lab to living system, K. Tanaka and K. Vong (eds), Wiley-VCH, 489-529 (2020).

  16. In vivo metal catalysis in living biological systems, K. Vong, K. Tanaka, in Handbook of in vivo chemistry in mice, From Lab to living system, K. Tanaka and K. Vong (eds), Wiley-VCH, 309-353 (2020).

  17. Emerging technologies for real-time intraoperative margin assessment in future breast-conserving surgery, A. R. Pradipta, T. Tanei, K. Morimoto, K. Shimazu, S. Noguchi, K. Tanaka, Adv. Sci., 7 (9), 1901519 (2020). DOI: 10.1002/adv.201901519

  18. Cancer discrimination by on-cell N-glycan ligation, S. Nomura, Y. Egawa, S. Urano, T. Tahara, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Commun. Chem., 3, 26 (2020). [RIKEN Press Release]

  19. Artificial glycoproteins as a scaffold for targeted drug therapy, K. Vong, T. Yamamoto, K. Tanaka, Small, 1906890 (2020).

  20. Unlocking the therapeutic potential of artificial metalloenzymes, K. Tanaka, K. Vong, Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B., 96, 79-94 (2020).

  21. 海産天然物 ageladine A の効率合成を基盤とした構造展開と新規活性探索, 岩田隆幸, 深瀬浩一, 中尾洋一, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 78, 51-59 (2020).

  22. Stereochemical features of the crystallization of eight-membered 1,5-diazaheterocycles with chiral aminoindanol fragments at nitrogen atoms, O. A. Lodochnikova, D. R. Chulakova, D.P. Gerasimova, I. A. Litvinov, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, A. R. Kurbangalieva, J. Struct. Chem., 61, 119-125 (2020).




  1. An artificial metalloenzyme biosensor can detect ethylene gas in fruits and Arabidopsis leaves, K. Vong, S. Eda, Y. Kadota, I. Nasibullin, T. Wakatake, S. Yokoshima, K. Shirasu, K. Tanaka, Nature Commun., 10, 5746 (2019). [RIKEN Press Release] [Tokyo Tech Press Release] [Department of Chemical Science and Engineering Press Release] [Selected as the 50 most read Nature Communications articles in life and biological sciences published in 2019]

  2. Glycoconjugates and Glycoclusters as New Drug Delivery Molecules for In Vivo Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics, K. Tanaka, In Glycoscience: Basic Science to Applications, N. Taniguchi, T. Endo, J. Hirabayashi, S. Nishihara, K. Kadomatsu, K. Akiyoshi, and K. F. Aoki-Kinoshita (eds), Springer, 56-57 (2019).

  3. The core fucose on an IgG antibody is an endogenous ligand of Dectin-1, Y. Manabe, R. Marchetti, Y. Takakura, M. Nagasaki, W. Nihei, T. Takebe, K. Tanaka, K. Kabayama, F. Chiodo, S. Hanashima, Y. Kamada, E. Miyoshi, H. P. Dulal, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Adachi, N. Ohno, H. Tanaka, A. Silipo, K. Fukase, A. Molinaro, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 58, 18697-18702 (2019).

  4. Facile access to optically active 2,6-dialkyl-1,5-diazacyclooctanes, D. R. Chulakova, A. R. Pradipta, O. A. Lodochnikova, D. R. Kuznetsov, K. S. Bulygina, I. S. Smirnov, K. S. Usachev, L. Z. Latypova, A. R. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Chem. Asian J., 14, 4048-4054 (2019). [Special issue for the 18th Asian Chemical Congress]

  5. In vivo glycan pattern recognition towards drug delivery system and therapeutic in vivo synthetic chemistry, K. Tanaka, Trend In Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (TIGG), 31, SE61-62 (2019).

  6. Biocompatibility and therapeutic potential of glycosilated albumin artificial metalloenzymes, S. Eda, I. Nasibullin, K. Vong, N. Kudo, M. Yoshida, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Nature Catal., 2, 780-792 (2019). [RIKEN Press Release]

  7. Tetramethylrhodamine is an essential scaffold of azide probe in detecting cellular acrolein, A. R. Pradipta, M. Fujii, T. Tanei, K. Morimoto, K. Shimazu, S. Noguchi, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 27, 2228-2234 (2019).

  8. Chemical sensing of acrolein-amine conjugates for food quality control: A case study of milk products, A. Kishimoto, S. Nomura, K. Tanaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 92, 1018-1023 (2019). [Selected Paper] [RIKEN Press Release]

  9. Efficient route to RIKEN click probes for glycoconjugation, K. Nakamura, K. Tsubokura, A. Kurbangalieva, Y. Nakao, T. Murase, T. Shimoda, K. Tanaka, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 38, 127-138 (2019).

  10. Targeting Bacillus cereus cells: Increasing efficiency of antimicrobials by the bornyl-possessing 2(5H)-furanone derivative, I. S. Sharafutdinov, A. S. Pavlova, A. M. Khabibrakhmanova, R. G. Faizova, A. R. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, E. Y. Trizna, D. R. Baidamshina, M. I. Bogachev, A. R. Kayumov, New Microbiol., 42, 29-36 (2019).

  11. 生体内でのパターン認識を可能とする次世代糖鎖クラスター, 小椋章弘, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 77, 163-172 (2019).

  12. 生体内合成化学治療〜哺乳動物内での有機合成化学が導く未来の医療診断技術〜, 田中克典, MEDCHEM NEWS, 29, 22-28 (2019).

  13. 211At-Labeled immunoconjugate via a one-pot three-component double click strategy: Practical access to α-emission cancer radiotherapeutics, K. Fujiki, Y. Kanayama, S. Yano, N. Sato, T. Yokokita, P. Ahmadi, Y. Watanabe, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, Chem. Sci., 10, 1936-1944 (2019). [RIKEN Press Release] [Journal Cover]

  14. "Click-to-sense" acrolein probe allows highly discriminative, rapid, low-cost and easy-to-perform diagnosis of breast cancer morphology in live tissues, T. Tanei, A. R. Pradipta, K. Morimoto, M. Fujii, J.-I. Ikeda, E. Morii, S. Noguchi, K. Tanaka, Breast J., 44 (S1), S26-S27 (2019).

  15. Cascade reaction in human live tissue allows clinically applicable diagnosis of breast cancer morphology, T. Tanei, A. R. Pradipta, K. Morimoto, M. Fujii, M. Arata, A. Ito, M. Yoshida, E. Saigitbatalova, A. Kurbangalieva, J.-I. Ikeda, E. Morii, S. Noguchi, K. Tanaka, Adv. Sci., 6, 1801479 (2019). [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [JST Press Release] [Advanced Science Video Abstract] [Journal Cover]

  16. In vitro and in vivo cancer cell apoptosis triggered by competitive binding of Cinchona alkaloids to the RING domain of TRAF6, Y. Qi, X. Zhao, J. Chen, A. R. Pradipta, J. Wei, H. Ruan, L. Zhou, R. P. Hsung, K. Tanaka, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 83, 1011-1026 (2019).

  17. Renovation of glycomolecules for molecular imaging studies: Low-affinity glycan ligands can be used for selective cell imaging?, S. Nomura, K. Tanaka, Heterocycles, 99, 73-82 (2019). [Special issue in honor of Professor Tohru Fukuyama on the occasion of his 70th birthday]

  18. RIKEN click reagent for protein labeling, K. Fujiki, K. Tanaka, e-ROS Encyclopedia of reagents for organic synthesis, doi: 10.1002/047084289x.rn02050, (2019). [RIKEN Press Release]




  1. Influence of Glycosylation Pattern on Protein Biodistribution and Kinetics In Vivo Within Mice, K. Vong, K. Tanaka, In Kinetic Control in Synthesis and Self-Assembly, M. Numata, S. Yagi and T. Hamura (eds), Elsevier, 127-161 (2018).

  2. A new synthetic route to 5,6,11,12-tetraarylethynyltetracenes, K. Kitamura, K. Asahina, Y. Nagai, K. Zhang, S. Nomura, K. Tanaka, T. Hamura, Org. Biomol. Chem., 16, 9143-9146 (2018).

  3. Glycan Molecular Technology for Highly Selective In Vivo Recognition, K. Tanaka, In Molecular Technology, Life Innovation, Volume 2, H. Yamamoto and T. Kato (eds), Wiley-VCH, 131-163 (2018).

  4. 私は有機合成化学者である! in Message from Young Principal Researcher (MyPR), 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 76, 1110-1112 (2018).

  5. Expanding the applicability of the metal labeling of biomolecules by the RIKEN click reaction: A case study with Gallium-68 positron emission tomography, Y. Nakamoto, A. R. Pradipta, H. Mukai, M. Zouda, Y. Watanabe, A. Kurbangalieva, P. Ahmadi, Y. Manabe, K. Fukase, K. Tanaka, ChemBioChem., 19, 2055-2060 (2018). [Invited in ‘ChemBioTalents’ Themed Issue]

  6. Synthesis and properties of hydrazine-embedded biphenothiazines and application of hydrazine-embedded heterocyclic compounds to fluorescence cell imaging, Y. Shindo, S. Nomura, Y. Saikawa, M. Nakata, K. Tanaka, K. Hanaya, T. Sugai, S. Higashibayashi, Asian J. Org. Chem., 7, 1797-1801 (2018).

  7. Branched sialylated N-glycans are accumulated in brain synaptosomes and interact with Siglec-H, M. Handa-Narumi, T. Yoshimura, H. Konishi, Y. Fukata, Y. Manabe, K. Tanaka, G.-M. Bao, H. Kiyama, K. Fukase, K. Ikenaka, Cell Struct. Funct., 43, 141-152 (2018).

  8. Viable strategy for screening the effects of glycan heterogeneity on target organ adhesion and biodistribution in live mice, A. Ogura, S. Urano, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, R. Sibgatullina, K. Vong, T. Suzuki, N. Dohmae, A. Kurbangalieva, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Chem. Commun., 54, 8693-8696 (2018). [RIKEN Press Release] [RIKEN RESEARCH] [Journal Cover]

  9. ラベル化糖鎖を用いた診断とイメージング, 田中克典, 未来を創るグライコサイエンスー我が国のロードマップー, 日本糖質科学コンソーシアム, 189-191 (2018).

  10. 2-Benzoylpyridine ligand complexation with gold critical for propargyl ester-based protein labeling, Y. Lin, K. Vong, K. Matsuoka, K. Tanaka, Chem. Eur. J., 24, 10595-10600 (2018). [Frontispiece] [RIKEN Press Release]

  11. Cycloaddition reactions of N-alkyl-α,β-unsaturated imines: Facile preparation of azaheterocycles for synthesis and biological applications, A. R. Pradipta, L. Latypova, D. Chulakova, I. Smirnov, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Heterocycles, 97, 668-685 (2018). [Dedicated to Professor Kiyoshi Tomioka on the occasion of his 70th birthday]

  12. Convergent synthesis of a bisecting GlcNAc-containing N-glycan, Y. Manabe, H. Shomura, N. Minamoto, M. Nagasaki, Y. Takakura, K. Tanaka, A. Silipo, A. Molinaro, K. Fukase, Chem. Asian. J., 13, 1544-1551 (2018).

  13. Bis(N,N-(2-indanolyl))-1,5-diazacyclooctane as Unique Metal Ligand: Self-Assembly of Palladium Nanoparticles and Catalytic Reactivity on C-C Bond Formation, K. Fujiki, K. Tanaka, Synthesis, 50, 1097-1104 (2018).

  14. Therapeutic in vivo synthetic chemistry: exploring on opportunity to activate drugs at specific sites in the body, K. Tsubokura, K. Vong, R. Sibgatullina, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Eur. J. Clin. Invest., 48 (Suppl. 1), 219-220 (2018).

  15. Acrolein detection by in vivo synthetic chemistry: unexplored reactivity of acrolein with azide, A. R. Pradipta, E. Saigitbatalova, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Eur. J. Clin. Invest., 48 (Suppl. 1), 219 (2018).

  16. One-pot three-component double-click method for synthesis of [67Cu]-labeled biomolecular radiotherapeutics, K. Fujiki, S. Yano, T. Ito, Y. Kumagai, Y. Murakami, O. Kamigaito, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep., 51, 24 (2018).




  1. 田中克典博士に聞く「生体内合成化学治療を目指して」, 現代化学編集グループ, 現代化学 201710月号, 34-39 (2017). [インタビュー]

  2. What is medicinal chemistry? -Demystifying a rapidly evolving discipline!, MedChemComm opinion piece, “What is medicinal chemistry?”, S. Y. L. Holbrook, S. Garneau-Tsodikova, Med. Chem. Commun., 8, 1739-1741 (2017).

  3. 中分子創薬のパラダイムシフト:生体内合成化学治療, 田中克典, 文部科学省科学研究費補助金「新学術領域研究」反応集積化が導く中分子戦略:高次生物機能分子の創製ニュースレター, 6, 3 (2017).

  4. Effect of spermine-derived AGEs on oxidative stress and polyamine metabolism, A. Tsutsui, A. R. Pradipta, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 15, 6720-6724 (2017).

  5. In-situ ligation of high- and low-affinity ligands to cell surface receptors enables highly selective recognition, M. Taichi, S. Nomura, I. Nakase, R. Imamaki, Y. Kizuka, F. Ota, N. Dohmae, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Adv. Sci., 1700147 (2017). [Journal Cover] [RIKEN Press Release]

  6. Simple Gd3+-Neu5NAc complexation results in NMR chemical shift asymmetries of structurally equivalent complex-type N-glycan branches, K. Usachev, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Takamatsu, N. Pavlova, V. Klochkov, A. Kurbangalieva, T. Murase, T. Shimoda, K. Tanaka, Analyst, 142, 2897-2900 (2017).

  7. Cancer cell targeting driven by selective polyamine reactivity with glycine propargyl esters, K. Vong, K. Tsubokura, Y. Nakao, T. Tanei, S. Noguchi, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Chem. Commun., 53, 8403-8406 (2017). [Journal Cover] [RIKEN Press Release]

  8. Reactivity of anti-HNK-1 antibodies to branched O-mannose glycans associated with demyelination, K. Sakuda, Y. Kizuka, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Tanaka, K. Ogiwara, T. Segawa, Y. Hagiwara, I. Matsuo, H. Ogawa, N. Taniguchi, S. Kitazume, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 487, 450-456 (2017).

  9. A One-Pot Three-Component Double-Click Method for Synthesis of [67Cu]-Labeled Biomolecular Radiotherapeutics, K. Fujiki, S. Yano, T. Ito, Y. Kumagai, Y. Murakami, O. Kamigaito, H. Haba, K. Tanaka, Sci. Rep., 7, 1912 (2017).

  10. Highly reactive “RIKEN click” probe for glycoconjugation on lysines, R. Sibgatullina, K. Fujiki, T. Murase, T. Yamamoto, T. Shimoda, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Tetrahedron Lett., 58, 1929-1933 (2017).

  11. Bio-inspired domino reduction of nitroarenes by acrolein-amine conjugates in one-pot operation, M. Takamatsu, K. Fukase, K. Tanaka, Chem. Lett., 46, 811-813 (2017). [Recognized as Top (Most) Accessed Article]

  12. In vivo gold complex catalysis within live mice, K. Tsubokura, K. K. H. Vong, A. R. Pradipta, A. Ogura, S. Urano, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, H. Onoe, Y. Nakao, R. Sibgatullina, A. Kurbangalieva, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 3579-3584 (2017). [Journal Cover] [Hot Paper] [RIKEN Press Release] [RIKEN RESEARCH] [Angewandte Chemie Press Release]

  13. Cinchonine induces apoptosis of HeLa and A549 cells through targeting TRAF6, Y. Qi, A. R. Pradipta, M. Li, X. Zhao, L. Lu, X. Fu, J. Wei, R. P. Hsung, K. Tanaka, L. Zhou, J. Exp. Clin. Canc. Res., 36, 35 (2017).

  14. 酸化ストレス産物アクロレインの見過ごされていた反応性:インビボ検出から酸化ストレスへの寄与、および生体内制御機構の解明へ, A. R. Pradipta, 田中克典, 薬学雑誌, 137, 3, 301-306 (2017). [Invited 誌上シンポジウム]

  15. Sequential double “clicks” toward structurally well-defined heterogeneous N-glycoclusters: The importance of cluster heterogeneity on pattern recognition in vivo, L. Latypova, R. Sibgatullina, A. Ogura, K. Fujiki, A. Khabibrakhmanova, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, S. Urano, K, Tsubokura, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Adv. Sci., 4, 1600394 (2017). [Journal Cover] [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [Advanced Science News]




  1. Imaging and regulation of live cell/protein dynamics and functions by surface glycans, K. Tanaka, Research Reports 2012-2016, 10 (2016).

  2. Sugar Synthesis by Microfluidic Techniques, K. Fukase, K. Tanaka, Y. Fujimoto, A. Shimoyama, Y. Manabe, In Glycochemical Synthesis: Strategies and Applications, S. -C. Hung, M. M. L. Zulueta (eds), Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/9781119006435.ch8 (2016).

  3. Chemical synthesis of a complex-type N-glycan containing a core fucose, M. Nagasaki, Y. Manabe, N. Minamoto, K. Tanaka, A. Silipo, A. Molinaro, K. Fukase, J. Org. Chem., 81, 10600-10616 (2016).

  4. A reduction-based sensor for acrolein conjugates with the inexpensive nitrobenzene as an alternative to monoclonal antibody, M. Takamatsu, K. Fukase, R. Oka, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Sci. Rep., 6, 35872 (2016). [RIKEN Press Release]

  5. Propargyl-assisted selective amidation applied in C-terminal glycine peptide conjugation, K. K. H. Vong, S. Maeda, K. Tanaka, Chem. Eur. J., 22, 18865-18872 (2016). [RIKEN Press Release]

  6. Progress in the development of reaction-based sensors for detection of acrolein in biological samples, A. R. Pradipta, E. Saigitbatalova, M. Takamatsu, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, BioNanoSci., 6, 473-479 (2016).

  7. Unrecognized cycloaddition reactions of N-alkyl-α,β-unsaturated imines occuring in biosystems and their biological roles, A. R. Pradipta, A. Tsutsui, L. Latypova, D. Chulakova, I. Smirnov, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, BioNanoSci., 6, 364-367 (2016).

  8. Acrolein Detection by Unrecognized Reactivity of Alkyl Azide, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, 生体機能関連化学部会ニュースレター, 日本化学会生体機能関連化学部会出版, 31 (2), 9-11 (2016).

  9. Selective C-terminal glycine conjugation based on propargyl ester reactivity, K. K. H. Vong, K. Tanaka, 生体機能関連化学部会ニュースレター, 日本化学会生体機能関連化学部会出版, 31 (1), 6-7 (2016).

  10. アルツハイマー疾患を未然に防ぐ新規な生体内物質の発見, 田中克典, 理研通信サイエンスネット, 56, 1 (2016).

  11. 酸化ストレス疾患の謎を解く隠された生体反応ー有機反応でアクロレインの挙動を捉まえ、生体機能を操るー, 田中克典, 化学, 71, 38-42 (2016). [冊子カバー]

  12. One-pot evolution of ageladine A via bio-inspired cascade towards selective modulators of neuronal differentiation, T. Iwata, S. Otsuka, K. Tsubokura, A. Kurbangalieva, D. Arai, K. Fukase, Y. Nakao, K. Tanaka, Chem. Eur. J., 22, 14707-14716 (2016). [RIKEN Press Release]

  13. Chemically synthesized glycoconjugates on proteins: Effects of multivalency and glycoform in vivo, K. Tanaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 14, 7610-7621 (2016). [Journal Cover] [Invited in ‘Selective Chemistry with Peptides and Proteins’ Themed Issue]

  14. 1,5-Diazacyclooctanes, as Exclusive Oxidative Polyamine Metabolites, Inhibit Amyloid-β(1-40) Fibrillization, A. Tsutsui, T. Zako, T. Bu, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Maeda, K. Tanaka, Adv. Sci., 3, 1600082 (2016). [Journal Cover] [RIKEN Press Release JP] [RIKEN Press Release ENG] [RIKEN RESEARCH]

  15. 見過ごされていた共役イミンの環化反応:合成的展開と生体機能制御の可能性, A. R. Pradipta, 筒井歩, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 74, 700-709 (2016).

  16. Efficient Synthesis of the Disialylated Tetrasaccharide Motif in N-Glycans through an Amide-Protection Strategy, J. Zhou, Y. Manabe, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Chem. Asian. J., 11, 1436-1440 (2016).

  17. First Example of Synthesis of S,O-Macroheterocycle on the basis of 2(5H)-Furanone and 2,2`-Oxydiethanethiol, A. R. Kurbangalieva, L. T. Hoang, O. A. Lodochnikova, M. Y. Kuzmicheva, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, G. A. Chmutova, Russ. Chem. Bull. Int. Ed., 5, 1278-1284 (2016).

  18. Uncatalyzed Click Reaction between Phenyl Azides and Acrolein: 4-Formyl-1,2,3-Triazolines as “Clicked” Markers for Visualizations of Extracellular Acrolein Released from Oxidatively Stressed Cells, A. R. Pradipta, M. Taichi, I. Nakase, E. Saigitbatalova, A. Kurbangalieva, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, ACS Sens., 1, 623-632 (2016). [RIKEN Press Release]

  19. Glycan multivalency effects toward albumin enable N-glycan-dependent tumor targeting, A. Ogura, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, H. Onoe, A. Kurbangalieva, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 26, 2251-2254 (2016).

  20. Exploring The Glycan Interaction In Vivo: Future Prospects of Neo-glycoproteins for Diagnostics, A. Ogura, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Glycobiology, 26, 804-812 (2016). [Invited in Special Issue, ‘Chemical Glycobiology’]

  21. In Vivo Imaging of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) of Albumin: First Observations of Significantly Reduced Clearance and Liver Deposition Properties in Mice, A. Tsutsui, A. Ogura, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, S. Urano, M. Hara, S. Kojima, A. Kurbangalieva, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 14, 5755-5760 (2016). [Invited in ‘New Talent’ Themed Issue]

  22. Visualizing Trimming Dependence of Biodistribution and Kinetics with Homo- and Heterogeneous N-Glycoclusters on Fluorescent Albumin, A. Ogura, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, K. Morimoto, Y. Kizuka, S. Kitazume, M. Hara, S. Kojima, H. Onoe, A. Kurbangalieva, N. Taniguchi, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Sci. Rep., 6, 21797 (2016). [RIKEN Press Release] [GlyTech, Inc. HP]

  23. Unexplored Reactivity of N-Alkyl Unsaturated Imines: A Simple Procedure for Producing Optically Active 1,3-Diamines via a Stereocontrolled Formal [4+2] and [4+2+2] Iminocycloaddition, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 89, 337-345 (2016). [Selected Paper] [Recognized as Highly Cited Article] [RIKEN Press Release]




  1. 生体内合成化学治療を実現する~動物内で生理活性分子を合成~, 田中克典, Peptide Newsletter Japan, The Japanese Peptide Society 出版, 98, 6-9 (2015).

  2. 化学反応による標的タンパク質の同定, 田中克典, 大学院講義 有機化学 第2版, 野依良治編集代表, 株式会社東京化学同人, 352 (2015).

  3. 複合領域研究と国際共同研究, 田中克典, 文部科学省科学研究費補助金「新学術領域研究(領域提案型)」天然物ケミカルバイオロジー:分子標的と活性制御ニュースレター, 11, 11 (2015).

  4. Cell surface and in vivo interaction of dendrimeric N-glycoclusters, M. Taichi, S. Kitazume, K. K. H. Vong, R. Imamaki, A. Kurbangalieva, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Glycoconj. J., 32, 497-503 (2015).

  5. 分子イメージングによる糖鎖複合体の動態解析, 深瀬浩一, 田中克典, 下山敦史, 日本分子イメージング学会機関誌 JSMI report, 8, 18-25 (2015).

  6. Azaelectrocyclization on cell surface: convenient and general approach to chemical biology research, A. Ogura, K. Tanaka, Tetrahedron, 71, 4518-4521 (2015). [Invited in ‘Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award 2015’ Special Issue]

  7. Exclusive Formation of Imino [4+4] cycloaddition Products with Biologically Relevant Amines: Plausible Candidates for Acrolein Biomarkers and Biofunctional Modulators, A. Tsutsui, A. R. Pradipta, E. Saigitbatalova, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Med. Chem. Commun., 6, 431-436 (2015). [Journal Cover] [Invited in ‘New Talent Asia-Pacific’ Themed Issue]

  8. 11 クロマトグラフィーによる分析と分取, 土川博史, 田中克典, 有機合成実験法ハンドブック 第2版, 公益社団法人有機合成化学協会監修, 丸善出版株式会社,  61-90 (2015).

  9. 12 機器分析による分析, 土川博史, 難波康祐, 中尾佳亮, 田中克典, 有機合成実験法ハンドブック 第2版, 公益社団法人有機合成化学協会監修, 丸善出版株式会社, 91-123 (2015).

  10. 4 糖鎖合成-合成手法 第1 4-1. 固相合成, 田中克典, 「糖鎖の新機能開発・応用ハンドブック~創薬・医療から食品開発まで」, 秋吉一成監修, (株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 316-321 (2015).

  11. 5 メディカルサイエンスと糖鎖 第31. 糖鎖イメージング, 野崎聡, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 渡辺恭良, 「糖鎖の新機能開発・応用ハンドブック~創薬・医療から食品開発まで」, 秋吉一成監修, (株)エヌ・ティー・エス, 461-464 (2015).

  12. PET Imaging of Glycoconjugates, K. Tanaka, In Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, T. Endo, P. H. Seeberger, G. W. Hart, C.-H. Wong, N. Taniguchi (eds), Springer, 485-490 (2015).




  1. Chemical Glycan Conjugation Controls the Biodistribution and Kinetics of Proteins in Live Animals, A. Ogura, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Mini Rev. Med. Chem., 14, 1072-1077 (2014).

  2. Imino [4+4] cycloaddition products as exclusive and biologically relevant acrolein-amine conjugates are intermediates of 3-formyl-3,4-dehydropiperidine (FDP), an acrolein biomarker, M. Takamatsu, K. Fukase, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 22, 6380-6386 (2014).

  3. 生体内合成化学治療を実現する~動物内で生理活性分子を全合成~, 田中克典, 生命化学研究レター「研究紹介」, フロンティア生命化学研究会出版, 46, 15-20 (2014).

  4. アザ電子環状反応, Staudinger Ligation, 深瀬浩一, 田中克典, ファインケミカルシリーズ「クリックケミストリー -基礎から実用まで-, 高田十志和, 小山靖人, 深瀬浩一監修, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 23 (2014).

  5. Interaction of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM) with α 2,6-sialylated glycan regulates its cell surface residency and anti-apoptotic role, S. Kitazume, R. Imamaki, A. Kurimoto, K. Ogawa, M. Kato, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Tanaka, H. Ishida, H. Ando, M. Kiso, N. Hashii, N. Kawasaki, N. Taniguchi, J. Biol. Chem., 289, 27604-27613 (2014).

  6. Microfluidic mixing of polyamine with acrolein enables the detection of the [4+4] polymerization of intermediary unsaturated imines: The properties of a cytotoxic 1,5-diazacyclooctane hydrogel, A. R. Pradipta, A. Tsutsui, A. Ogura, S. Hanashima, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Synlett, 2442-2446 (2014).

  7. 金属触媒を用いた細胞内有機化学反応, 小椋章弘, 有機合成化学協会誌, 72, 726-727 (2014).

  8. Polyamine modification by acrolein exclusively produces 1,5-diazacyclooctanes: A previously unrecognized mechanism for acrolein-mediated oxidative stress, A. Tsutsui, R. Imamaki, S. Kitazume, S. Hanashima, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Kaneda, S. Oishi, N. Fujii, A. Kurbangalieva, N. Taniguchi, K. Tanaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 12, 5151-5157 (2014).

  9. 金属触媒を用いた生細胞内での有機合成反応:生体内での時空間的な糖鎖複合化実現への希望, Metal-catalized Organic Reaction in Live Cell: Future Prospect of Time- and Space-selective Glycan Conjugation In Live Systems, A. Ogura, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol., 26, 73-75 (2014).

  10. In Vivo Kinetics and Biodistribution Analysis of Neoglycoproteins: Effects of Chemically Introduced Glycans on Proteins, A. Ogura, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Tanaka, Glycoconj. J., 31, 273-279 (2014).

  11. Direct Guanylation of Amino Groups by Cyanamide in Water: Catalytic Generation and Activation of Unsaturated Carbodiimide by Sc(OTf)3, K. Tsubokura, T. Iwata, M. Taichi, A. Kurbangalieva, K. Fukase, Y. Nakao, K. Tanaka, Synlett, 1302-1306 (2014).

  12. Template-assisted synthesis of phosphorylated protein recognition peptide and its selective tumor growth inhibition, K. Fukase, T. Iwata, S. Shirotsuki, C. Kageyama, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, E. R. O. Siwu, S. Tamura, S. Douke, N. Murakami, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, K. Tanaka, Peptide Science, 2013, 43-46 (2014).

  13. 天然物合成におけるマイクロフロー反応の活用:免疫活性物質, プリスタン天然物のプロセス合成を例として, 田中克典, ファインケミカル「特集 天然物合成化学の新たな展開」, 田中克典監修, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 23-29 (2014).

  14. ファインケミカル「特集 天然物合成化学の新たな展開」, 田中克典監修, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 5 (2014).

  15. 古くて新しい有機合成反応の開拓を起点とする天然物ケミカルバイオロジー「研究紹介」, 田中克典, News Letter, 天然物ケミカルバイオロジー:分子標的と活性制御 (ChemBioChem) 出版, 4, 9-10,(2014)

  16. Facile Preparation of 1,5-Diazacyclooctanes from Unsaturated Imines: Effects of the Hydroxyl Groups on [4+4] Dimerization, K. Tanaka, R. Matsumoto, A. R. Pradipta, Y. Kitagawa, M. Okumura, Y. Manabe, K. Fukase, Synlett, 1026-1030 (2014).

  17. Practical and efficient method for α-sialylation with an azide sialyl donor using a microreactor, Y. Uchinasi, K. Tanaka, Y. Manabe, Y. Fujimoto, K. Fukase, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 33, 55-67 (2014).

  18. A cascading reaction sequence involving ligand-directed azaelectrocyclization and autooxidation-induced fluorescence recovery enables visualization of target proteins on the surfaces of live cells,  K. Tanaka, M. Kitadani, A. Tsutsui, A. R. Pradipta, R. Imamaki, S. Kitazume, N. Taniguchi, K. Fukase, Org. Biomol. Chem., 12, 1412-1418 (2014).




  1. Development of Bis-unsaturated Ester Aldehydes as Amino-glue Probes: Sequential Double Azaelectrocyclization as Promising Strategy for Bioconjugation,  K. Tanaka, Y. Nakamoto, E. R. O. Siwu, A. R. Pradipta, K. Morimoto, T. Fujiwara, S. Yoshida, T. Hosoya, Y. Tamura, G. Hirai, M. Sodeoka, K. Fukase, Org. Biomol. Chem., 11, 7326-7333 (2013).

  2. 2,6,9-Triazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes as Overlooked Amino-modification Products by Acrolein, A. Tsutsui, K. Tanaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 11, 7208-7211 (2013).

  3. 動物個体内における糖鎖複合体の分子イメージング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 第三の生命鎖 糖鎖の機能と疾患 (実験医学増刊), 株式会社羊土社出版, 31, 176-185 (2013).

  4. Cytotoxic Activity of Ursolic Acid Derivatives Obtained by Isolation and Oxidative Derivatization, K. Mazumder, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Molecules, 18, 8929-8944 (2013)

  5. Synthesis of 3,7,9- and 2,6,9- Triazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane Derivatives, A. R. Pradipta, K. Tanaka, Heterocycles, 87, 2001-2014 (2013).

  6. Chemical Approach to A Whole Body Imaging of Sialo-N-linked Glycans, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, In Topics in Current Chemistry volumes, SialoGlyco Chemistry and Biology, R. Gerardy-Schahn, P. Delannoy, and M. von Itzstein (eds), Springer, in press (2013).

  7. 論文紹介・気になった論文, A. R. Pradipta, 生命化学研究レター, フロンティア生命化学研究会出版, 41, 21-23 (2013).

  8. Conformationally Fixed Analog of Peptide Mimic of Grb2-SH2 Domain: Synthesis and Evaluation Against A431 Cancer Cell, T. Iwata, K. Tanaka, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Mol. BioSyst., 9, 1019-1025 (2013). [Invited in ‘Molecular Biosystems Chemical Biology in Asia’ Themed Collection]

  9. Whole-Body Imaging of Tumor Cells by Azaelectrocyclization: Visualization of Metastasis Dependence on Glycan Structure, K. Tanaka, K. Moriwaki, S. Yokoi, K. Koyama, E. Miyoshi, K. Fukase, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 21, 1074-1077 (2013).




  1. Efficient Synthesis of 2,6,9-Triazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes through Amine-Mediated Formal [4+4] Reaction of Unsaturated Imines, K. Tanaka, E. R. O. Siwu, S. Hirosaki, T. Iwata, R. Matsumoto, Y. Kitagawa, A. R. Pradipta, M. Okumura, K. Fukase, Tetrahedron Lett., 53, 5899-5902 (2012).

  2. Bio-Imaging and Cancer Targeting with Glycoproteins and N-Glycans, K. Fukase, K. Tanaka, Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 16, 614-621 (2012).

  3. Development of Azaelectrocyclization-Based Labeling and Application to Noninvasive Imaging and Targeting Using N-Glycan Derivatives -In pursuit of N-Glycan Functions on Proteins, Dendrimers, and Living Cells, K. Tanaka, Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, 24, 47-64 (2012).

  4. Template-Assisted and Self-Activating Clicked Peptide as a Synthetic Mimic of the SH2 Domain, K. Tanaka, S. Shirotsuki, C. Kageyama, T. Tahara, S. Nozaki, E. R. O. Siwu, T. Iwata, S. Tamura, S. Douke, N. Murakami, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, ACS Chem. Biol., 7, 637-645 (2012).

  5. Cell Surface Biotinylation by Azaelectrocyclization: Easy-Handling and Versatile Approach for Living Cell Labeling, K. Tanaka, S. Yokoi, K. Morimoto, T. Iwata, Y. Nakamoto, K. Nakayama, K. Koyama, T. Fujiwara, K. Fukase, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 20, 1865–1868 (2012).

  6. Auxiliary-Directed Oxidation of Ursolic Acid by “Ru”-Porphyrins: Chemical Modulation of Cytotoxicity against Tumor Cell Lines, K. Tanaka, K. Mazumder, E. R. O. Siwu, S. Nozaki, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Tetrahedron Lett., 53, 1756–1759 (2012).

  7. Discovery and application of 6π-Azaelectrocyclization to natural product synthesis & synthetic biology, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, K. Fukase, Sci. China Chem., 55, 19-30 (2012).

  8. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Substituted Chiral Piperidines via One-Pot Asymmetric 6π-Azaelectrocyclization: Asymmetric Syntheses of (−)-Dendroprimine, (+)-7-Epidendroprimine, (+)-5-Epidendroprimine, and (+)-5,7-Epidendroprimine, T. Kobayashi, F. Hasegawa, Y. Hirose, K. Tanaka, H. Mori, S. Katsumura, J. Org. Chem., 77, 1812–1832 (2012).

  9. 鋳型誘起反応の開発に基づくリン酸化タンパク質認識ペプチドの化学転写合成, 田中克典, Peptide Newsletter Japan, The Japanese Peptide Society出版, 86, 15-19 (2012).

  10. 糖鎖の生体内イメージング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, ここまで進んだバイオセンシング・イメージング-1分子から細胞, 脳まで, CSJ Current Review 10, 株式会社化学同人出版, 114-122 (2012).

  11. 糖鎖機能解明に向けた新規化学修飾反応:糖鎖とリンパ球のin vivoイメージング, 深瀬浩一,田中克典, がん医療や創薬に貢献するin vivoイメージングと生体機能解析・制御の最前線 (実験医学増刊), 疾患克服を目指したケミカルバイオロジー, 株式会社羊土社出版, 30, 35 (2012).

  12. 細菌由来複合糖質の合成と自然免疫研究, 深瀬浩一, 藤本ゆかり, 下山敦史, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 70, 113-130 (2012).

  13. Oligosaccharide Synthesis on Solid-supports, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, In Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis Book, P. Toy (ed), Wiley, 489-530 (2012).




  1. Effects on Glycan Heterogeneity on Microarray and Dendrimer, K. Tanaka, Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, 131, 155-157 (2011).

  2. Exploring A Unique Reactivity of 6π-Azaelectrocyclization to Enzyme Inhibition, Natural Products Synthesis, and Molecular Imaging: An Approach to Chemical Biology by Synthetic Chemists, K.Tanaka, K. Fukase, S. Katsumura, Synlett, 2115-2139 (2011).

  3. Reinvestigation of the C5-Acetamide Sialic Acid Donor for α-Selective Sialylation: Practical Procedure under Microfluidic Conditions, Y. Uchinashi, M. Nagasaki, J. Zhou, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Org. Biomol. Chem., 9, 7243-7248 (2011).

  4. Ursolic Acid Derivatives from Bangladeshi Medicinal Plant, Sarauja roxburghii: Isolation and Cytotoxic Activity against A431 and C6 glioma Cell Lines, K. Mazumder, E. R. O. Siwu, K. Tanaka, S. Nozaki, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Phytochem. Lett., 4, 287-291, (2011).

  5. Target-Selective and Fluorescence “Switch-On” Protein Labeling by 6π-Azaelectrocyclization, K. Tanaka, M. Kitadani, K. Fukase, Org. Biomol. Chem., 9, 5346-5349 (2011).

  6. 天然物によるタンパク質不活性化機構に学ぶ6π-アザ電子環状反応の新奇反応性と天然物合成および合成生物学への展開, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 69, 1389-1401 (2011).

  7. マイクロフローシステムを用いた生理活性天然物の実用的合成戦略, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 月刊『未来材料』「解説Review, 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス出版, 11, 11-19 (2011).

  8. マイクロ経路内および固相上での効率的グリコシル化反応を基盤としたN-結合型糖タンパク質糖鎖のライブラリー指向型合成, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 月刊ファインケミカル「糖鎖合成の進展と最新応用研究」, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 40, 23-30 (2011).

  9. 効率的結合形成反応を起点とする『合成化学生物学』の提起:高速 6π-アザ電子環状反応の設計による生体高分子の非侵襲撃的イメージング, 田中克典, 大阪大学低温センターだより, 156, 16-23 (2011).

  10. ペプチド・タンパク質、細胞の革新的標識法とPETによる動態解析への応用, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 次世代バイオ医薬品の製剤設計と開発戦略, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 119-126 (2011).

  11. 新規標識反応を基盤とする糖鎖プローブの開発とインビボイメージング, 深瀬浩一, 田中克典, 蛍光イメーシング・MRIプローブの開発と最新動向, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 35-43 (2011).




  1. Asymmetric Synthesis of 14C-Labeled L-Propargylglycine, M. Kurosawa, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Radioisotopes, 59, 17-22 (2010).

  2. Noninvasive Imaging of Dendrimer-type N-Glycan Clusters: In Vivo Dinamics Dependence on Oligosaccharides Structure, K. Tanaka, E. R. O. Siwu, K. Minami, K. Hasegawa, S. Nozaki, Y. Kanayama, K. Koyama, C. W. Chen, J. C. Paulson, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49, 8195-8200 (2010).

  3. A Combined 6π-Azaelectrocyclization/Staudinger Approach to Protein & Cell Engineering: Non-Invasive Tumor Targeting by N-Glycan-Engineered Lymphocytes, K. Tanaka, K. Minami, T. Tahara, E. R. O. Siwu, K. Koyama, S. Nozaki, H. Onoe, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 29, 118-132 (2010).

  4. Electrocyclization-Based Labeling Allows Efficient In Vivo Imaging of Cellular Trafficking, K. Tanaka, K. Minami, T. Tahara, Y. Fujii, E. R. O. Siwu, S. Nozaki, H. Onoe, S. Yokoi, K. Koyama, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, ChemMedChem, 5, 841-845 (2010).

  5. In Vivo Imaging of Chemically Engineered Proteins and Cells by Oligosaccharides, K. Tanaka, Trends in Glycosci. Glycotechnol., 22, 48-50 (2010).

  6. Probe Design & Synthesis of Galβ(1-3)[NeuAcα(2-6)]GlcNAcβ(1-2)Man Motif of N-Glycan, G.-M. Bao, K. Tanaka, K. Ikenaka, K. Fukase, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 18, 3760-3766 (2010).

  7. A New Strategy in Synthetic Biology: From Enzyme Inhibition, Natural Products Synthesis to PET Imaging by 6π-Azaelectrocyclization, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, S. Katsumura, Chem. Rec., 10, 119-139 (2010).

  8. 糖鎖の非侵襲的インビボイメージング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, トランスレーショナルリサーチを支援する遺伝医学MOOK, 株式会社メディカルドゥ出版, 18, 66-73 (2010).

  9. 高反応性アミノ基標識プローブの設計に基づく生体高分子の非侵襲撃的イメージング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 化学フロンティア2010: 生命現象を理解する分子ツール最前線-イメージングから生体機能解析まで-化学, 株式会社化学同人出版, 22, 54-62 (2010).

  10. 糖鎖関連物質の非侵襲的インビボイメージングによる診断法開発への展望, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 『生体の科学』, 株式会社医学書院、財団法人金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団出版, 61, 173-180 (2010).

  11. マイクロフロー反応を鍵とする生理活性天然物の実用的合成戦略, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 68, 124-135 (2010).

  12. Self and Non-self Recognition with Bacterial and Animal Glycans, Surveys by Synthetic Chemistry, Y. Fujimoto, K. Tanaka, A. Shimoyama, K. Fukase, In Method in Enzymology, M. Fukuda (ed), Wiley, 478, 323-342 (2010).

  13. Combinatorial Methods in Oligosaccharide Synthesis, K. Tanaka, Y. Fujimoto, S. Tanaka, Y. Mori, K. Fukase, In Glycoscience, B. Fraser-Reid, K. Tatsuta, J. Thiem (eds), Springer, (2010).

  14. Polymer-supported and Tag-assisted Methods in Oligosaccharide Synthesis, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, In Glycoscience, B. Fraser-Reid, K. Tatsuta, J. Thiem (eds), Springer, (2010).




  1. Library-directed Solution- and Solid-phase Synthesis of 2,4-Disubstituted Pyridines: One-pot Approach via 6π -Azaelectrocyclization, T. Sakaguchi, T. Kobayashi, S. Hatano, H. Tsuchikawa, K. Fukase, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, Chem. Asian J., 4, 1573-1577 (2009).

  2. Acid-Mediated Reactions under Microfluidic Conditions: A New Strategy for Practical Synthesis of Biofunctional Natural Products, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 5, No. 40 (2009).

  3. Renaissance of Traditional Organic Reactions under Microfluidic Conditions: A New Paradigm for Natural Products Synthesis, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Org. Process Res. Dev., 13, 983-990 (2009).

  4. Chemical N-Glycosylation by Asparagine under Combined Microfluidic/Batch Conditions, K. Tanaka, T. Miyagawa, K. Fukase, Synlett, 1571-1574 (2009).

  5. Library-directed Synthesis of N-Glycans: Synthesis of Sialic Acid-containing Complex-type N-Glycan on Solid-supports, K. Tanaka, Y. Fujii, H. Tokimoto, Y. Mori, S. Tanaka, G.-M. Bao, E. R. O. Siwu, A. Nakayabu, K. Fukase, Chem. Asian J. 4, 574-580 (2009).

  6. A Practical Synthesis of Manβ(1-4)GlcNTroc Fragment via Microfluidic β-Mannosylation, K. Tanaka, Y. Mori, K. Fukase, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 28, 1-11 (2009).

  7. Chemistry-based Labeling and Engineering on Proteins and Cell Surfaces: Application to Non-invasive Imaging of Oligosaccharide Derivatives, K. Tanaka, K. Minami, E. R. O. Siwu, K. Fukase, Chemical Biology, Japanese Society for Chemical Biology, 2, 7-12 (2009).

  8. 細胞の糖鎖エンジニアリング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 第三の生命鎖「糖鎖」を活用制御するケミカルバイオロジー, 月刊BIO INDUSTRY, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 27, 29-36 (2009).

  9. 糖鎖のインビボバイオイメージング, 田中克典, 深瀬浩一, 複合糖質の化学と最新応用技術, 正田晋一郎, 稲津敏行監修, 株式会社シーエムシー出版, 235-244 (2009).




  1. Site-selective and Non-destructive Protein Labeling via Azaelectrocyclization-Induced Cascade Reactions, K. Tanaka, Y. Fujii, K. Fukase, ChemBioChem, 9, 2392-2395 (2008).

  2. Recent Advances in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging of Biomolecules: From Chemical Labeling to Cancer Diagnostics, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Mini-Rev. Org. Chem., 5, 153-162 (2008).

  3. Efficient Aldol Condensation in Aqueous Biphasic System under Microfluidic Conditions, K. Tanaka, S. Motomatsu, K. Koyama, K. Fukase, Tetrahedron Lett., 49, 2010-2012 (2008).

  4. PET (Positron Emission Tomography) Imaging of Biomolecules Using Metal/DOTA Complexes: A New Collaborative Challenge by Chemists, Biologists, and Physicians for Future Diagnostics and Exploration of In vivo Dynamics, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Org. Biomol. Chem., 6, 815-828 (2008).

  5. A Submicrogram-scale Protocol for Biomolecule-based PET Imaging via Rapid 6π -Azaelectrocyclization: First Visualization of Sialic Acid-dependent Circulatory Residence of Glycoproteins, K. Tanaka, T. Masuyama, K. Hasegawa, T. Tahara, H. Mizuma, Y. Wada, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, 102-105 (2008).

  6. Efficient Synthesis of Oligosaccharides and Synthesis of Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns for Their Biofunctional Studies, K. Fukase, Y. Fujimoto, K. Tanaka, In Experimental Glycoscience, Glycochemistry, N. Taniguchi, A. Suzuki, Y. Ito, H. Narimatsu, T. Kawasaki, S. Hase (eds), Springer, 200-205 (2008).




  1. Acceleration of Cu()-Mediated Huisgen 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition by Histidine Derivatives: Library Synthesis of “Self-Activating” Click Peptides, K. Tanaka, C. Kageyama, S. Shirotsuki, K. Fukase, Peptide Science, 171-174 (2007).

  2. New Labeling Method of Biomolecules via Rapid Azaelectrocyclization: Application to PET Imaging, K. Tanaka, T. Masuyama, K. Minami, Y. Fujii, K. Hasegawa, T. Tahara, H. Mizuma, Y. Wada, Y. Watanabe, K. Fukase, Peptide Science, 91-94 (2007).

  3. Acceleration of Cu(I)-mediated Huisgen 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition by Histidine Derivatives, K. Tanaka, C. Kageyama, K. Fukase, Tetrahedron Lett., 48, 6475-6479 (2007).

  4. Highly Efficient α-Sialylation by Virtue of Fixed Dipole Effects of N-Phthalyl Group: Application to Continuous Flow Synthesis of α(2-3)- and α(2-6)-Neu5Ac-Gal Motifs by Microreactor, S. Tanaka, T. Goi, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, J. Carbohydr. Chem., 26, 369-394 (2007).

  5. Synthesis and Solid-State NMR of CD3-labeled 11-cis-Retinals, K. Tanaka, A. V. Struts, S. Krane, N. Fujioka, G. F. J. Salgado, K. Martínez-Mayorga, M. F. Brown, K. Nakanishi, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 80, 2177-2184 (2007).

  6. Structural Analysis and Dynamics of Retinal Chromophore in Dark and Meta I States of Rhodopsin from 2H NMR of Aligned Membranes, A. V. Struts, G. F. J. Salgado, K. Tanaka, S. Krane, K. Nakanishi, M. F. Brown, J. Mol. Biol., 372, 50-66 (2007).

  7. Synthesis and Assignment of the Absolute Configuration of Some Pyrrolo[2,3-b]Indoline Alkaloids through a Theoretical Simulation of Electronic Circular Dichroism/Optical Rotation Data, E. Gioegio, K. Tanaka, L. Verotta, K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, C. Rosini, Chirality, 19, 434-445 (2007).

  8. Large-Scale Synthesis of Immunoactivating Natural Product, Pristane, by Continuous Microfluidic Dehydration as Key Step, K. Tanaka, S. Motomatsu, K. Koyama, S. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Org. Lett., 9, 299-302 (2007).

  9. Efficient Procedure for Reductive Opening of Sugar 4,6-O-Benzylidene Acetals by a Microfluidic System, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Synlett, 164-166(2007).

  10. Lithium Tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, In Electronic Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, (2007).



1998 - 2006

  1. Synthesis of 2,4,6-Trisubstituted Chiral Piperidines and (-)-Dendroprimine by One-Pot Asymmetric Azaelectrocyclization Protocol, T. Kobayashi, F. Hasegawa, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, Org. Lett., 8, 3813-3816 (2006).

  2. Development of a One-Pot Asymmetric Azaelectrocyclization Protocol: Synthesis of Chiral 2,4-Disubstituted 1,2,5,6-Tetrhydropiperidines, T. Kobayashi, M. Nakashima, T. Hakogi, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, Org. Lett., 8, 3809-3812 (2006).

  3. Solid-State 2H NMR Structure of Retinal in Metarhodopsin I, G. F. J. Salgado, A. V. Struts, K. Tanaka, S. Krane, K. Nakanishi, M. F. J. Brown, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 11067-11071 (2006).

  4. マイクロスケールCross Metathesis/CD•FDCDプロトコルによる新規天然物絶対立体配置決定法, 田中克典, 有機合成化学協会誌, 64, 382-394 (2006).

  5. Highly Efficient Sialylation towards α(2-3) and α(2-6)-Neu5Ac-Gal Synthesis: Significant “Fixed Dipole Effect” of N-Phthalyl Group on α-Selectivity, K. Tanaka, T. Goi, K. Fukase, Synlett, 2958-2962 (2005).

  6. Highly β-Selective Mannosylation Towards Manβ1-4GlcNAc Synthesis: TMSB(C6F5)4 as a Lewis acid/Cation-Trap Catalyst, S. Tanaka, M. Takashina, H. Tokimoto, Y. Fujimoto, K. Tanaka, K. Fukase, Synlett, 2325-2328 (2005).

  7. Oligosaccharide Synthesis by Using Affinity Separation Based on Molecular Recognition between Podand Ether and Ammonium Ion, K. Fukase, M. Takashina, Y. Hori, D. Tanaka, K. Tanaka, S. Kusumoto, Synlett, 2342-2346 (2005).

  8. Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Flexible Molecules by ab initio ORD Calculations: A Case Study with Cytoxazones and Isocytoxazones, E. Giorgio, M. Roje, K. Tanaka, Z. Hamersak, V. Sunjic, K. Nakanishi, C. Risini, N. Berova, J. Org. Chem., 70, 6557-6563 (2005).

  9. Theoretical Simulation of the Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectrum of Calicheamicin, E. Giorgio, K. Tanaka, W. Ding, G. Krishnamurthy, K. Pitts, G. A. Ellestad, C. Rosini, N. Berova, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 13, 5072-5079 (2005).

  10. Unique Reactivity of α-Alkoxy Ginkgolide Lactones to Nucleophilic Reagents: Preparation of New Lactol Derivatives, K. Tanaka, M. Pimentel, N. Berova, K. Nakanishi, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 78, 1843-1850 (2005).

  11. Three Challenges towards the Assignment of Absolute Configuration of Gymnocin-B, K. Tanaka, Y. Itagaki, M. Satake, H. Naoki, T. Yasumoto, K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 9561-9570 (2005).

  12. Preparation of Ginkgolide and F-Seco-ginkgolide Lactols: The Unique Reactivity of α-Hydroxy Lactones towards NaBH4, K. Tanaka, D. K. Kester, K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, Tetrahedron Lett., 46, 531-534 (2005).

  13. Fluorescence Detected Exciton Coupled Circular Dichroism: Development of New Fluorescent Reporter Groups for Structural Studies, K. Tanaka, G. Pescitelli, K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, Monatsh. Chem., 136, 367-395 (2005).

  14. Development of a Universal Ellipsoidal Mirror Device for Fluorescence Detected Circular Dichroism (FDCD) - Elimination of Polarization Artifacts, T. Nehira, K. Tanaka, T. Takakuwa, C. Ohshima, H. Masago, G. Pescitelli, A. Wada, N. Berova, Appl. Spectrosc., 59, 121-125 (2005).

  15. 酵素阻害機構に学ぶ速やかな6π-アザ電子環状反応とその展開, 田中克典, 化学と工業, 58, 113-116 (2005).

  16. 酵素阻害機構に学ぶ速やかな6π-アザ電子環状反応とその展開, 田中克典, 勝村成雄, 有機合成化学協会誌, 63, 696-708 (2005).

  17. Deuterium NMR Structure of Retinal in the Ground State of Rhodopsin, G. F. J. Salgado, A. V. Struts, K. Tanaka, N. Fujioka, K. Nakanishi, M. F. Brown, Biochemistry, 43, 12819-12828 (2004).

  18. Development of Highly Stereoselective Asymmetric 6π-Azaelectrocyclization of Conformationally Flexible Linear 1-Azatrienes. From Finding of Multi-Functional Chiral Amines, 7-Alkyl cis-1-Amino-2-indanols To Application as a New Synthetic Strategy; Formal Synthesis of 20-Epiuleine, K. Tanaka, T. Kobayashi, H. Mori, S. Katsumura, J. Org. Chem., 69, 5906-5925 (2004).

  19. Metalloporphyrin Sensors for Supramolecular Chiral Recognition: Chiroptical Study, N. Berova, M. Balaz, M. Giraud, A. Holmes, H. Ishii, H. Matsuda, K. Nakanishi, G. Pescitelli, G. Proni, K. Tanaka, J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 8, 347 (2004).

  20. Synthesis of New Chiral Auxiliaries for 6π-Azaelectrocyclization: 4- and 7-Alkyl Substituted cis-1-Amino-2-indanols, T. Kobayashi, K. Tanaka, J. Miwa, S. Katsumura, Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 15, 185-188 (2004).

  21. Absolute Stereochemistry of Dihydroangelicines Bearing C-8 Substituted Double Bonds: A Combined Chemical/exciton Chirality Protocol, K. Tanaka, G. Pescitelli, L. Di Bari, T. L. Xiao, K. Nakanishi, D. W. Armstrong, N. Berova, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2, 48-58 (2004).

  22. Absolute Stereochemistry of Allylic Alcohols, Amines and Other Ene Moieties: A Microscale Cross Metathesis / Exciton Chirality Protocol, K. Tanaka, K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 10802-10803 (2003).

  23. Development of New Wittig Reagent, Silylfuranmethylid, and its Reactivity, K. Tanaka, T. Hata, H. Hara, S. Katsumura, Tetrahedron, 59, 4945-4952 (2003).

  24. 酵素阻害機構に学ぶ速やかな6π-アザ電子環状反応 -その出会いと開発に向けて, 化学, 58, 46-47 (2003).

  25. Highly Stereoselective Asymmetric 6π-Azaelectrocyclization Utilizing the Novel 7-Alkyl Substituted cis-1-Amino-2-indanols: Formal Synthesis of 20-Epiuleine, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 9660-9661 (2002).

  26. Significant Acceleration of 6π-Azaelectrocyclization Resulting from a Remarkable Substituent Effect, and Formal Synthesis of the Ocular Age Pigment A2-E by a New Method for Substituted Pyridine Synthesis, K. Tanaka, H. Mori, M. Yamamoto, S. Katsumura, J. Org. Chem., 66, 3099-3110 (2001).

  27. Novel Synthesis of the Ocular Age Pigment A2-E: New Method for Substituted Pyridine Synthesis via Azaelectrocyclization, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, Org. Lett., 2, 373-375 (2000).

  28. First Synthesis of (-)-Spongianolide A and Determination of its Absolute Structure, T. Hata, K. Tanaka, S. Katsumura, Tetrahedron Lett., 40, 1731-1734 (1999).

  29. The Inhibitory Mechanism of Bovine Pancreatic Phospholipase A2 by Aldehyde Terpenoids, K. Tanaka, M. Kamatani, H. Mori, S. Fujii, K. Ikeda, M. Hisada, Y. Itagaki, S. Katsumura, Tetrahedron, 55, 1657-1686 (1999).

  30. アルデヒドテルペノイドによるホスホリパーゼA2不活性化機構, 田中克典, 勝村成雄, 有機合成化学協会誌, 57, 876-887 (1999).

  31. Synthesis of a New Phospholipase A2 Inhibitor of an Aldehyde Terpenoid and its Possible Inhibitory Mechanism, K. Tanaka, M. Kamatani, H. Mori, S. Fujii, K. Ikeda, M. Hisada, Y. Itagaki, S. Katsumura, Tetrahedron Lett., 39, 1185-1188 (1998).


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